Here are Top 10 sights:
1. Subterranean Chambers
2. Main Hall
3. Peristyle
4. Chatedral of St. Domnius
5. Belltower
6. Baptistry
7. Cupola
8. City Museum
9. Golden Gate
10. Iron Gate
1. Subterranean Chambers
The palace's underground vaults mirror the layout of the floor above. Now open as a museum, they give a good impression of the palace's former appearance.
2. Main Hall
The main subterranean hall of the palace houses an alley of souvenir shops. Here you can buy anything from postcards to paintings and statues of Roman figures.
3. Peristyle
Once an antechamber to Diocletian's quarters, the dramatic, colonnaded square known as the Peristyle is the heart of the palace complex.
4. Chatedral of St. Domnius
Built over Diocletian's tomb, the main structure here is Roman. Inside is a 13th-century pulpit and work by 15th-century sculptor Juraj Dalmatinac.
5. Belltower
The belltower, which soars high above the chatedral, was not completed until the early 20th century. The panoramic views of the city that it offers make the long climb up to the top of well worth the effort.
6. Baptistry
7. Cupola
Stone steps from the sunken square lead to a domed area, where guests once waited for an audience with the Emperor. At night, stars are visible through a gap in the top of the dome.
8. City Museum
East of the sunken square, the City Museum is housed in the 15th-century Papalić Palace. Among the artifacts relating to Split's history is a collection of weaponry and armour.
9. Golden Gate
This sturdy portal once led north to the nearby settlement of Salona. Today, it is being restored to its full splendour, thank to funding by a local bank.
10. Iron Gate
Split's most striking gates has its own church (Our Lady of the Belfry) and clock tower. A cafe on Narodni Trg will make an ideal spot from which to admire this elegant portal.
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